Founded in 2002 in Paris by artist-architect Didier Fiúza Faustino and architect Pascal Mazoyer, Bureau des Mésarchitectures is a studio based between Paris and, since 2018, Lisbon. Today, the studio is co-directed by Marie-Hélène Fabre (Principal) and Didier Fiúza Faustino (Creative Director), and includes Pascal Mazoyer (Project Director), Sónia Pinto Sousa and André Antunes (Project Managers).


Déconstruction du présupposé selon lequel l’architecture doit avoir un but fonctionnel.

Misarchirtectures : Deconstruction of the preconceived idea stating that architecture should be functional.

Structure d’origine artificielle ou accidentelle qui altère une expérience ou un examen portant sur un phénomène naturel.

Artefacts : Artificial of accidental structure which alters an experience or examination of a natural phenomenon.

Création de l’imagination, ce qui relève de l’imaginaire, de l’irréel

Fictions : A creation from one's imagination, something that belongs to the realm of the imaginary, the unreal.



Artistic Director

Didier Fiúza Faustino is a French - Portuguese conceptual artist and architect, working on the relationship between body and space. At the crossroad of art and architecture, his practice is multi-faceted, ranging from installation to experimentation, from the creation of subversive visual art works to multi-sensorial spaces. His projects are characterized by their critical perspective and their ability to offer new experiences to the individual and collective body.
With Mésarchitecture (2002) in Paris and his office in Lisbon (2018), he is developing projects of multiple scales: interventions in public space, mobile architectures, as well as interior designs and buildings, among which French artist Jean-Luc Moulène’s studio.
Several projects and works are part of the collection of major institutions: MoMA, Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, Serralves Foundation, Fonds National d’Art Contemporain, Musée National d’Art Moderne / Centre Georges Pompidou, MAXXI, MAAT, FRACs Centre - Val de Loire et Grand Large - Hauts de France.
He is represented by the galleries Michel Rein Paris/Brussels.


© Corinne Mariaud

Marie-Hélène Fabre


Marie-Hélène Fabre, is trained as an architect and urban planner. Fabre has led teaching and research activities in urban planning and on the city of Seoul, South Korea in the late 1990s and early 2000s, at the Institut Français d’Urbanisme. From 2006 to 2014, she was the Head of studies at the Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture in Paris. Since 2022, Marie-Hélène Fabre is a research by practice PhD candidate at the Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Versailles, France, under the supervision of Susanne Stacher (architect) and Christian Ruby (philosopher). For her research, she explores the studio’s practice in relation to creative diversion strategies.

Pascal mazoyer

Project Director

Born in Enghien, Pascal Mazoyer is an architect with a government-approved diploma. Co-founder in 2002 of Bureau des Mésarchitectures with Didier Fiúza Faustino, he worked on individual projects and collaborations with various artists, architects and scenographs from 2006 to 2011. Since his comeback in 2012, he is in charge of directing the projects of Bureau des Mésarchitectures // Didier Fiúza Faustino.

© Corinne Mariaud

Sónia Pinto Sousa

Project Manager

Born in Porto, Sónia Pinto Sousa graduated in 2006 from the Faculdade de Arquitetura do Porto (FAUP). In 2011 she attended the Course of Advanced Studies in Bioclimatic Architecture an recovery of Architectural Objects from the Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa  (FAUTL). Since 2014, she collaborated wih several architecture studios and architects between Portugal, Netherlands and México. In parallel, she developed her work as an independent. In 2019, she joined the team of Bureau des Mésarchitectures // Didier Fiúza Faustino as a Project Manager.

André Antunes

Project Manager

Born in Lisbon, André Antunes graduated at Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa with an exchange year in Athens. After experiencing working with architects and artists based in Lisbon, in 2018, he joined the team of Bureau des Mésarchitectures // Didier Fiúza Faustino as a Project Manager.

© Bureau des Mésarchitectures
